Krzysztof Kajetanowicz

Krzysztof, Partner in charge of valuations and financial modelling, is a CFA charterholder. The charter is awarded to experienced analysts, proficient in valuation of companies and financial instruments, analysis of financial statements, investment management and analysis of investment economics. His experience includes 5 years at PwC and 5 years at Baker Tilly TPA (manager in the valuation and financial modelling team).

Krzysztof has performed over 100 valuations of businesses, trademarks and other assets for investment funds and companies with revenues ranging from PLN 1m to PLN 5bn. He has successfully defended the valuations prepared by his team before Big Four auditors and fund administrators. He has assisted clients in court proceedings as the author of private opinions on the value of companies.

From greenfield investments in renewable energy to funding manufacturing facilities in the food industry and other sectors, his clients have obtained millions in bank financing and refinancing based on the financial models attached to credit applications.

Krzysztof has also prepared or supervised the preparation of valuations of unusual assets such as a portfolio of non-performing mortgages, a network of car washes or a green fuel supply contract.

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