Partnerships, family businesses and succession

Partnerships are a popular legal form of doing business because of their flexibility, security and tax implications, . They are used both by small family businesses and multinational corporations, which incorporate partnerships inside their existing operational structures. As the legal and tax environment is changing, we perform for our clients:

  • analyses of how the partnership model can be adapted to meet business and capital needs,
  • inquiries into the impact of new tax laws on the efficiency of partnerships,
  • benchmark studies of the transactions between the partners or between the company and the partners.

Few understand the desire of the owners of a family business to grow their company in a safe and sustainable way as much as we do. Depending on the stage of development of the company and the owners’ plans, we do our utmost to tailor our offer to the client’s needs, for example by:

  • analysing the options for succession,
  • helping the client find a suitable minority or strategic investor,
  • advising in corporate restructuring in order to maximise legal and tax safety while achieving the business goals.

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