Capital markets

Rynek kapitałowy daje przedsiębiorstwom możliwość rozwoju, ale wiąże się też z szeregiem problemów prawnych i podatkowych. Pomagamy firmom w pozyskaniu kapitału poprzez prywatne emisje akcji czy wejście na giełdę. W szczególności doradzamy przy:As well as providing an opportunity for growth, capital markets raise a number of legal and tax issues. We assist companies in raising capital through private placements of shares or initial public offerings. In particular, we advise on:

  • planning the structure of the capital group,
  • preparing floating-related documentation and applications to be filed with the administrative bodies,
  • representing businesses in front of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority,
  • securing the interests of the client and its management and executives in the process of switching from a private to a public company,
  • drafting investor agreements,
  • determining and quantifying the tax implications of the various scenarios of raising funds,
  • analysing the tax aspects of the functioning of a public company.

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