R&D credit, Innovation Box, “Estonian” CIT

Tax regulations provide for tax incentives for businesses that invest in research and development (R&D credit) or benefiting from intellectual property rights from such work (Innovation Box). Since not every expense / revenue is subject to those mechanisms, we offer comprehensive support during the implementation and settlement of both incentives, in particular including:

  • identifying research and development projects,
  • analysing expenses for elligibility for the R&D credit,
  • reviewing the way that eligible costs are documented,
  • preparing the relevant tax ruling applications,
  • analysing which revenues qualify for the Innovation Box,
  • supervision over the utilisation of incentives.

The goal of the tax on disbursed income of corporates is to, by postponing taxation, encourage companies to re-invest profits. Unfortunately, this solution is not available to all taxpayers, which is why we offer to our clients:

  • verification of eligibility for “Estonian” CIT,
  • analysing the tax advantages over other tax solutions,
  • preparing the necessary documents and notifications filed with the tax office,
  • assistance in calculating the tax,
  • support in compliance with reporting duties.

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